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San Bernardino Railroad Historical Society
P.O. Box 2878
San Bernardino, CA 92406-2878



Santa Fe 3751 returns to Los Angeles Union Station!

Union Station, Palm Trees, Train, Dusk, Retro

Join us on Saturday, September 9th, and Sunday, September 10th from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. as the San Bernardino Railroad Historical Society (SBRHS) proudly partners with Union Station, Metro, Amtrak, and Metrolink for Los Angeles Union Station Train Festival 2023: A Celebration of Past, Present & Future.

Train enthusiasts of all ages are invited to see rail equipment, including Santa Fe 3751, on the tracks from various decades since the opening of the Station, marvel at the rarest of model train exhibits, participate in tours about the history, restoration, and art throughout the building and experience other unique activities celebrating the legacy and future of Union Station and Southern California's rail systems. 

San Bernardino Railroad Historical Society
San Bernardino Railroad Historical Society
P.O. Box 2878
San Bernardino, CA 92406-2878